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Rules of Role Playing On/Off

These are the basic rules to be followed, both in the handling of a character in role as managing Role Playing's players outside.


Role Playing's off:


1: This is an original story, not Buffy TVS, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries or any special. There are elements from all, yes (as the existence of hunting and nature of demons or vampires) but is essentially a new story, so no character is more important than another. No two or three protagonists, but the importance of the characters are going to determine the development of the story.


2: You can have sex scenes, as long as no pornographic images are placed. But who reads, reads because he wants to read it, nobody is forced to read or participate in such scenes, but not pretend that the rest do not.


3: We all like our characters to be super awesome and powerful, but be realistic (yes realistic xD) with the things we do.

3.a: It asks to have a consistent and realistic when it comes to role-play, in example if your character falls off a cliff or a twentieth floor stronger it can not get out without a scratch

3.b: Be aware of the abilities of the characters, if we see that someone is abusing this we will set limits, more than anything to make it right for the rest (try playing in a way that is as pleasant as possible for all . it is obvious that in some situations there are some that will be above the rest, but it is something that has to happen in every chapter).

3.c: When face with other characters, try to give more "realism" to the situation as possible. If you are facing against four ancient vampires and you are a human hunter, most likely will not go down too well. We always exceptions to it, but they have to be well justified.

3.d: Werewolves are not in control of his transformations. XD This is not Twilight XD werewolves are transformed only with a full moon in the sky and are not aware of what they are doing while they are processed.

There are many things to consider in this regard, so it is very important to read the explanations before creating supernatural characters.


And finally, I reserve the right to accept, reject, or request changes in the nature of the characters, whether class or race, we present. We will not to accept anything ^ ^


4: Continuing the previous rule, we can accept some "combinations" nature of characters, but not anyone else to avoid having characters too superior to the rest.


5: You can create only one character, the fact of this rule is to maintain direct continuity with the rest of the characters.


6: It is forbidden to insult anyone here in the role. Personal problems between participants stay out of the role; nothing of jerkness unless it is _ between characters haha


7: If you're going to be away or for some reason and can not be answered regularly, inform us. We fully understand that everyone has a life outside the role and sometimes it's hard to be answering often. However, if a person is absent without notice for more than three weeks you will receive a warning and not to appear in a week, completing a month of absence, the characters in my empire will be at my disposal. Depending on their importance in history will determine whether simply disappear, die, or even if fall into the possession of another person. If you are going to leave the role-play and do not want someone else to take or control their characters have to say it in time to go, after that month is in our hands the future of the characters, or who decides you want to take it.


8: The timeline is undefined and all the technological advances came to my empire like the rest of the world.


9: When we open a chapter or change a situation, do not put all your characters in there and a lot less posts outside the current location of the characters. If someone posts out of that place of location, do not be surprised if I invalidate instantly the message or if we tell you to change it. That or we will locate you annoying characters in places like the bottom of a septic pit XD


10: It is forbidden to use characters of other players, whatever the situation. That is, when you write with your character, whichever  the situation is, try not to assume the actions of the other characters and not move them too. The idea is to let each one handling their character. Describe actions that have already occurred in a previous post is fine, but do not add actions that have not yet been developed by the user of the character that you share message.


11: The characters have to be specifically of the avatar you chose, is "Forbidden to take characters from Avatars already in the game''


12: Do not provoke the administrator or moderators, who are obviously to help but they are people too and have a limit.


13: No spam much. Role-play is not just get into the event.


14: Keep the role, do not invent strange things, if you have improvements, inform me about them.


15: Are Prohibited characters and firms with offensive messages or advertisements or other promotional sites unaffiliated. The characters have to be specifically of the avatar you chose, do not get avatars that belong to someone else or in which case they do not have to do with your role.


16: Promoting forums or pages is permitted only if they are accepted by us and have character data. (not include about personal pages like Facebook, twitter, tumblr etc.)


17: When a user fails to comply with the rules on minor form, will be notified by post or will be called by a special rank, if he returns to do it during your trial period of 30 days i will ban you.


18: If you believe that someone breaks the rules please notify the administration.


Role Playing's on:


19: For pregnant should notify the administration taking in mind that the parent must exist (the Holy Spirit does not count as father)

19.a: Must have 5 scenes and 100 post each of the parents, do not counts the post of events.

19.b: Both parents must be at least 18 years old

19.c: You should consider the consequences of having a baby

19.D: Pregnancy lasts two months, after a time the child should be created.


20: Any couple who want to marry must fulfill three simple rules

20.a: It must be 6 as a couple scenes FINISHED

20.b: Notify your respective leadership and management

20.c: Both should have adulthood


21: Once you has been +18 topic, then roll dice to "test" to see if the woman is pregnant or not. If it goes from 1 to 4: is NOT pregnant and if it goes from 5 to 10, yes it is pregnant. The use of a pregnancy test should be used only when there is not specified any type of protection.


22: The topics with sexual content must be in the title (+18 topic)


23: Write well, not in text message format (in example, summing the words in two or three characters and using "y" instead of "why" and that) ^ ^ And please, PLEASE write decent posts in size, do not reply to a message of 7 centences with two sentences. We do not ask you to write messages necessarily giants. write what comes out, but keep in mind that for the game to flow we need to give the material to play ^ ^


24: The minimum number of lines in a post is 15 words (in light role), 40 (moderate role) or 80 (in heavy roles), discover your surroundings, your thoughts, everything around you and see why you achieve a post more than 30 words.


25: It allows role-play in both first and second or third person just do not mix them to not cause confusion.


26: If you are more than two role playing should follow an order in the postings and it will be more orderly and easy time answering. Example: Mengano -> Fulano -> Zutano -> Mengano ... xD.

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