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Etiquette's Standards

Next I will give some guidelines to follow on the etiquette and good manners to follow, both for players and characters based on respect for others for a good social development:


1: Greet families, friends and knowns with warmth and respect

2: Abstain from insults and prying curiosity

3: be hospitable to guests

4: Wear appropriate clothing for the occasion

5: Contribute to conversations without dominating them

6: To provide assistance to those in need

7: Eat neatly and quietly

8: Avoid disturbing others with unnecessary noise

9: Follow the rules of an organization to become members

10: Arrive on time

11: Comforting to those in distress

12: Responding to invitations on time

13: Accepting gifts or favors with humility and recognize them with thanks or reject them politely

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